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Can Artificial Intelligence Make Us Safer?



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Artificial intelligence has been gaining massive recognition for its simulation of human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities for years.

Its natural language processing, machine vision, and expert system have made it a huge part of various industries such as Advertising, Marketing, Education, Healthcare, and more. 

But with cybercrimes, fraud mail, and malware arising every day, the main question is: Can Artificial intelligence make us safer with its AI technologies and capabilities? The answer is yes, it can.

AI contains AI-enabled technology, smart algorithms, and sensors that can help make the environment safer. You may also want to read about Auto GPT which is your new AI agent and can help you in lot of automated tasks.

Can Artificial Intelligence Make Us Safer

6 ways Artificial Intelligence can make us safer

Here are the top 6 ways through which Artificial Intelligence is making us safer: 

  • Enhancing cybersecurity and data protection

Protecting data and sensitive information is one of the major concerns faced by organizations worldwide.

At this rate, there is a potential for new malware getting generated almost every minute to manipulate devices, programmable networks, and services. 

Several modern malware utilizes AI technologies to generate cyberattacks through emails, texts, links, and more. 

This has made people assume it’s unimaginable to protect their data, systems, and devices against these attacks. However, what people don’t release is that AI can be used to prevent these cyberattacks.

Artificial intelligence can help users generate solutions such as machine learning to fight hackers, threats, and cyberattacks.

For example, In 2017, MIT’s computer science and AI (CSAIL) developed a cyber-security monitoring system that can help scan around 3.6 billion lines of code to find intrusions and errors daily.  

Similarly, these AI monitoring systems or mechanisms can help prevent cyberattacks and help make this a safer place.

Using AI technologies, you can generate mechanisms that can identify patterns and anomalies at scale, informing about cyber-attacks and blocking the threat even before it tries to enter the system.

  • Reducing human error

One of the major advantages of Artificial intelligence is its ability to stay focused and alert all the time without any stress or fatigue issues that are likely to occur for humans at times.

Decisions made by humans are at times, the decisions are not entirely rational, as human decisions are often based on intuition rather than facts. This can lead to bad choices and biases at the workplace, causing errors in reports and replacing facts with intuition. 

Meanwhile, Artificial intelligence can help provide data based on the facts and evidence available. It also helps achieve objectives and goals by reducing human error during decision-making and understanding personal intuition can cause errors. 

AI focuses on the report based on facts without thinking if the generated report will showcase bad lights on the project or team.

While, humans might bring a few changes to help the report appear good to support a friend or team member, even if it contains a few mistakes. 

  • Improving road safety

Modern vehicles are installing AI technologies to improve road safety. Having AI installed in vehicles can be a major step forward in terms of technology and safety.

Users can use AI to ask questions related to any vehicle query, help in dangerous situations, and might even help users drive with more safety and keep the driver alert. 

AI in vehicles can help remind drivers of traffic rules, inform them regarding the correct lane, maintain suitable distance between other vehicles to ensure safety, and more. The benefits of AI in vehicles are endless.

There is a combined video analysis with AI, advanced econometrics, and deep learning to explore the interaction between road and users by Profession Simon Washington of the University of Queensland. 

He created algorithms to identify the risks of vehicle crashes based on the interactions between cars, cyclists, and pedestrians. This helps improve road safety by extracting data from the places and times to avoid the risk of accidents. 

The solution generated by professor Washington has been implemented in about twenty cities across eight countries. 

  • Supporting health protection and disease detection

AI has been used at a large scale to detect disease and health protection. AI supports medicines and assists doctors in predicting methods and strategies that can help patients.

Based on patients’ lifestyles, genetic variables, and local climate AI can help predict and analyze the outcome.

Previously AI has been used in complex tasks such as discovering drugs. Stanford researchers are producing algorithms to help assess chest X-rays to determine the signs of disease. The chest X-ray has the capability of recognizing 14 types of medical conditions. 

An algorithm was designed by Researchers from Stanford that can help evaluate chest X-rays for any symptoms of the disease.

It can recognize up to 14 types of medical conditions, with one particularly surprising result: it’s better at diagnosing pneumonia than several expert radiologists working together.

Most hospitals are also using AI to improve patients’ data which helps provide better supervision of patients’ visits. It uses the system to review structured and unstructured data for patient records and medical notes, generate health portraits, and more. 

  • Detecting crim

Artificial intelligence can be extremely useful in detecting crime scenes and helping the government deliver real-time data to the authorities. AI-enabled technology can help detect hints and solutions through images and films provided by the government. 

For example, if there is a photograph of a crime weapon, the database can examine whether the same weapon was used during any prior crime or killings.

It can assist in raising all the information and previous data by the photographed weapon; combining all the previous data might help solve the crime faster.

AI-enabled bots can also help detect crime or bomb components by detecting explosives without endangering the personal life of securities. 

  • Tightening border security

AI’s smart algorithms and sensors can help tighten border security. These sensors play a significant role in detecting and analyzing possible dangers (people and objects) in sensitive locations like border crossings, customs checkpoints, etc.  

CCTV cameras are highly used by governments to monitor these sensitive locations. Machine learning algorithms in AI can help analyze people’s identities and enable a check on the person’s details from the database. This way, border security can ensure safety in border crossing. 

In addition, AI technologies can also contain an automatic vehicle check to ensure illegal customs and supplies are not taking place across borders.

Therefore, A smart identification is conducted where vehicle and driver undergo an identification check. An automated weighbridge is utilized to conduct a cargo weight measurement of the vehicle. 

The smart sensors perform a cargo check automatically. There are even X-Ray scans of packages provided by computer vision technology to provide an insight into what the packages contain. This helps ensure no illegal elements are being supplied across borders. 

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