
Home » Machine Learning » Best Machine Learning Courses on Udemy 2024

Best Machine Learning Courses on Udemy 2024


Andrew NG

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Need help learning and acquiring skills in machine learning? Now it’s easy for you because we’ve researched and listed the Best Udemy Machine Learning Courses. Today’s most fascinating and promising employment prospects are those for specialists like Machine Learning Engineers and NLP Scientists.

But how can you decide which course to take when so many options exist? Udemy has so many machine learning courses; choosing which is best for you is difficult. Hence we took the help of machine learning experts and selected 11 top-rated machine learning courses for you. Let’s get started right away!

9 Best Machine Learning Courses on Udemy 2023

Udemy offers up-to-date and easy-to-learn online courses. Here’s a list of courses on machine learning in which you can enroll and get upskilled:- 

1. Deep Learning Prerequisites: Linear Regression in Python 

This program introduces deep learning and neural networks; it covers logistic regression, a well-known and essential method used in machine learning, statistics, and data science. They demonstrate how to program your own Python logistic regression module. There are no outside resources needed for this class. Python and a few Python libraries are both available without charge. 

Course Details 

  • Pre-requites: Preferred to have prior python coding with NumPy stack and essential math skills.
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Time: 7 hours of on-demand video
  • Fees: $43
  • Click Here to get enrolled. 

2. Machine Learning and Deep Learning Bootcamp in Python

The core ideas of machine learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning are covered in this course. These topics are becoming highly popular because learning algorithms may be used in various industries, including investment banking and software engineering. They will discuss the theoretical underpinnings 

of each algorithm in each segment before working together to implement the issues. Python, SkLearn, Keras, and TensorFlow will be used. If unsatisfied with the course, you can return it for a 30-day refund. 

Course Details 

  • Pre-requites: Basic python understanding.
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Time: 32.5 hours of on-demand video
  • Fees: $43
  • Click Here to get enrolled. 

3. Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with RLearn 

This thorough training is equivalent to other Data Science Bootcamp, typically costing thousands of dollars. This course is for both beginners and coders. However, you can now study all that stuff for a fraction of the price! You’ll learn to harness R’s stunning data visualizations, machine learning capabilities, and programs using RLearn. 

Course Details 

  • Level: Basic
  • Time: 17.5 hours of on-demand video
  • Fees: $43
  • Click Here to get enrolled.

4. Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass 

This Best Machine Learning Course online is intended for students who are familiar with python and are eager to learn more about using it for data science and machine learning. The following topics are covered in this extensive course, which is created to be comparable to boot camps, which typically cost thousands of dollars.

You will learn: NumPy with Python, programming with python, a complete interpretation of Matplotlib Programming Library, deep learning into Pandas for Data Analysis, machine learning with SciKit Learn, and deep dive into seaborn for data visualizations. 

Course Details 

  • Level: Basic
  • Time: 44 hours of on-demand video
  • Fees: $43
  • Click Here to get enrolled. 

5. Tensorflow 2.0: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence 

Beginner-level learners seeking to be experts should enroll in this course. The world’s most well-known deep learning library, Tensorflow, was created by Google, whose parent firm Alphabet just overtook Apple as the wealthiest corporation in the world in terms of cash.

The key deep learning architectures, including Convolutional Neural Networks (for image processing), Deep Neural Networks, and Recurrent Neural Networks, will be covered along the way. 

Course Details 

  • Level: Basic
  • Time: 23.5 hours of on-demand video
  • Fees: $43
  • Click Here to get enrolled. 

6. PyTorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence 

Beginner-level learners all the way up to experts should enroll in this course. If you recently completed my free Numpy requirement, you are prepared to start using it right away. Beginning with fundamental machine learning models, we will work our way up to cutting-edge ideas.

All of the key deep learning architectures, including Convolutional Neural Networks (for image processing), Deep Neural Networks, and Recurrent Neural Networks, will be covered in this course. 

Course Details 

  • Prerequisites: Preferred to know to code in Numpy and Python
  • Level: Basic
  • Time: 24 hours of on-demand video
  • Fees: $37
  • Click Here to get enrolled. 

7. Data Science: Transformers for Natural Language Processing 

This course is for aspirants who wish to get past the traditional beginner-only Udemy courses. You will learn handy methods for using transformers in this course and, if you like, an in-depth theory about how transformers and attention function.

Unlike most other sites, which only cover the former, this goes both ways. This online Machine Learning Course is divided into 3 main sections: 

1. Transformers usage, 

2. Transformer Fine-tuning 

3. Transformers: A Deep Dive 

Course Details 

  • Pre-requisites: Preferred to know to code in Numpy and Python
  • Level: Both for Beginner and intermediate level
  • Time: 18 hours of on-demand video
  • Fees: $37
  • Click Here to get enrolled. 

8. Machine Learning: Natural Language Processing in Python 

This comprehensive 4-in-1 course covers everything.

You’ll learn: 

1) Text preprocessing techniques and vector models: You will learn about text preparation techniques and vector models and why vectors are crucial in artificial intelligence and data science.
2) Markov models and probability models: Both Markov and probability models are covered. In addition to NLP, it has been used in various fields, including finance, reinforcement learning, and bioinformatics.
3) Computer learning techniques: The emphasis in this section will be on applications rather than theory. Thus they will be focusing on something other than learning about the specifics of various ML algorithms. 
4) Neural network and deep learning techniques: You’ll learn about current neural network topologies and deep learning techniques that can solve NLP problems. 

Course Details 

  • Pre-requisites: Basic Python programming skills
  • Level: Beginners
  • Time: 22 hours of on-demand video
  • Fees: $43
  • Click Here to get enrolled.

9. Learn BERT – most powerful NLP algorithm by Google 

To construct a more natural way to process language that will work for various NLP purposes, including yours, you will discover the concepts underlying a new BERT that does away with RNNs, CNNs, and other complex deep-learning models.

Tensorflow 2.0 and Google Colab were used to develop the course, ensuring that you won’t have any local machine/software version/compatibility difficulties and are using the most recent tools. 

Course Details 

  • Pre-prerequisites: Basic understanding of Python and Tensorflow knowledge
  • Level: Beginners
  • Time: 5.5 hours of on-demand video
  • Fees: $43
  • Click Here to get enrolled. 

10. Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python – Best Machine Learning Course on Udemy Reddit

The subjects covered in this course were determined by examining the specifications listed in job postings for data scientists from the largest IT companies. Don’t worry if you’ve never used python

before; the course begins with a crash course. This online Machine Learning Course will show you the fundamental methods data scientists employ in the real world of business, whether you’re a programmer trying to shift into an exciting new career path or a data analyst looking to enter the tech industry. 

Course Details 

  • Pre-requisites: Basic coding knowledge 
  • Level: Beginners
  • Time: 15.5 hours of on-demand video 
  • Fees: $43 
  • Click Here to get enrolled.


To wrap up, of all the lucrative fields right now, machine learning is booming. It is the upcoming wave of intelligent apps, services, and a good cause. Overall, these Best Udemy Machine Learning Courses are excellent for learning about machine learning and developing the abilities needed to be successful in this fascinating profession. 

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