
Home » ChatGPT » Countries where ChatGPT is currently banned

Countries where ChatGPT is currently banned


Aiyub Dawood

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ChatGPT can create stunningly realistic responses to a wide range of questions and various writing prompts. However, the viral Generative AI chatbot is not without controversy. 

Some countries have banned or restricted its use over privacy, security, and ethical concerns. In this article, we will explore which countries have banned ChatGPT, why they have done so, and the implications for AI’s future. Let’s get started!

What Countries have banned ChatGPT?

As of the present moment, there are several countries where ChatGPT has faced prohibitions from their respective governments. The following is a compilation of those countries: 

  • Russia 
  • China
  • North Korea 
  • Cuba 
  • Iran 
  • Syria 
  • Italy 

These countries have implemented bans on the usage of ChatGPT for various reasons. Certain countries have cited concerns about privacy, whereas others, notably North Korea, China, and Russia, have expressed concerns about the potential spreading of misinformation by the United States through ChatGPT.

In which countries has ChatGPT been banned by Open AI?

Apart from the countries where ChatGPT is banned nationwide, OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, has also restricted its use in certain countries.

Initially, Ukraine was not allowed to access ChatGPT because it couldn’t specifically block access from Crimea, which is currently occupied by Russia. However, this ban has been lifted, and Ukraine can now use ChatGPT.

OpenAI maintains a list of countries that can use its services through an API. However, it’s important to note that the following countries are also unable to use ChatGPT, although they may not be listed explicitly:

  • Afghanistan
  • Bhutan
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Eritrea
  • Eswatini
  • Libya
  • South Sudan
  • Sudan
  • Yemen

Why is ChatGPT banned in Italy?

Italy implemented a ban on ChatGPT due to concerns related to data privacy and other issues. The country’s data protection authority, Garante, determined that ChatGPT’s developers lacked a valid legal basis for collecting and storing users’ personal data for training purposes. Here’s How to Use ChatGPT in Italy after it is banned.

Additionally, the platform faced criticism for generating inaccurate information and providing inappropriate responses, particularly towards vulnerable users such as children. Consequently, Italy became the first Western country to take action against ChatGPT. 

However, following various changes introduced by OpenAI, the ban was eventually lifted. The modifications included improved transparency, granting users the right to opt out of data usage, and implementing safeguards to protect children

Despite the ban being lifted, ChatGPT remains a subject of ongoing debates in Italy, as it raises discussions about the capabilities and potential consequences of artificial intelligence.

Is ChatGPT banned in USA?

ChatGPT is not banned throughout the entire United States, but there are some states and school districts that have placed restrictions on its use. The main reason for these restrictions is the concern that students might use ChatGPT to cheat or copy from it for their assignments. 

For example, in New York City schools, access to ChatGPT on devices and internet networks is not allowed. They worry that it could have a negative impact on student learning and safety.

Florida and California have also cautioned teachers and students about the potential misuse of ChatGPT in academics. They advise using plagiarism detection tools and educating students about the ethical and legal consequences of using Generative AI chatbots.

However, some schools and colleges still permit the use of ChatGPT for educational purposes related to AI and technology, as long as they follow their institution’s guidelines and policies.

What states have banned ChatGPT in USA?

While there is no official list of states that have explicitly banned ChatGPT in the USA, several states have implemented measures to limit its use. Here are some examples:

New York: The New York City Department of Education has prohibited access to ChatGPT on its online devices and internet networks. This decision was made due to concerns regarding potential negative impacts on student learning and concerns about the safety and accuracy of its content.

Florida: The Florida Department of Education has issued a warning to teachers and students regarding the potential misuse of ChatGPT in academic settings. The department has advised teachers to employ plagiarism detection tools and closely monitor students’ work.

California: The California Department of Education has not officially banned ChatGPT but has encouraged teachers to be vigilant regarding its use by students. The department has also recommended educating students about the ethical and legal implications associated with utilizing ChatGPT.

While these examples confirm states that have taken actions to regulate ChatGPT, it’s important to note that restrictions may vary across different school districts and educational institutions within each state.

What school districts have banned ChatGPT?

Several school districts have banned ChatGPT, an AI tool used in education. Notable examples include the following U.S. K-12 school districts:

  • Alaska: Anchorage School District – Banned: Feb. 7, 2023
  • California: Los Angeles Unified School District – Banned: Late 2022
  • California: Oakland Unified School District – Banned: Early 2023
  • Maryland: Baltimore County Public Schools – Banned: Early 2023
  • Maryland: Montgomery County Public Schools – Banned: Jan. 3, 2023
  • New Jersey: Clifton Public Schools – Banned: Early 2023
  • New York: New York City Public Schools – Banned: Jan. 3, 2023
  • North Carolina: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools – Banned: Early 2023
  • North Carolina: Union County Public Schools – Banned: Feb. 22, 2023
  • Oklahoma: Union Public Schools – Banned: Early 2023
  • South Carolina: Berkeley County School District – Banned: Early 2023
  • South Carolina: Charleston County School District – Banned: Feb. 9, 2023
  • South Carolina: Greenville County School District – Banned: Early 2023
  • Texas: Fort Bend Independent School District – Banned: Early 2023
  • Virginia: Fairfax County Public Schools – Banned: Early 2023
  • Virginia: Loudon County Public Schools – Banned: Early 2023
  • Washington: Seattle Public Schools – Banned: Dec. 2022
  • Wisconsin: Milwaukee Public Schools – Banned: Early 2023

In addition to these U.S. school districts, two international universities have also banned the use of ChatGPT:

  • France: Sciences Po, Paris – Banned: Jan. 27, 2023
  • India: RV University, Bengaluru – Banned: Early 2023

These school districts and universities have raised concerns about content safety and the potential negative impact on critical-thinking skills. While the stance of U.S. colleges and universities on this issue remains uncertain, some schools are providing recommendations to staff while leaving the decision of using AI tools to individual instructors.

However, a survey suggests that only a third of U.S. college students have encountered bans on AI tools in their educational settings. It is worth noting that efforts are being made to develop tools that can detect whether a piece of content has been generated by AI or by a human.

Is ChatGPT allowed in college?

Colleges may have varying guidelines regarding the use of ChatGPT. However, most educational institutions strictly prohibit plagiarism and academic dishonesty, which extends to the use of ChatGPT. Therefore, students must exercise caution when using ChatGPT for their assignments and ensure that proper credit is given to their sources.

Although, it is worth noting that some colleges actually authorize or even endorse the use of ChatGPT for specific purposes. For instance, some Australian universities permit students to inform their instructors and use ChatGPT as a writing prompt. Instructors can also use it to plan lessons and provide constructive feedback to students

In these cases, ChatGPT is viewed as a beneficial tool that improves the learning experience and creativity, rather than taking a shortcut. Nevertheless, students must always consult their instructors and familiarize themselves with their college’s guidelines before using ChatGPT (or any chatbot) in their academic work.

Which companies have banned ChatGPT?

Several well-known companies have put in place bans or limitations on the usage of ChatGPT. These companies have expressed concerns about data security, the potential for proprietary information leaks, and the need to adhere to internal policies and regulations. Here are some examples of companies that have taken such measures:


The tech giant has prohibited its employees from using ChatGPT and other AI-powered services like Github’s Copilot, which assists developers in writing code. Apple’s decision is driven by worries about how these platforms handle data, particularly those owned or supported by its competitor, Microsoft. The company wants to safeguard its own code and sensitive information from possible breaches.

JPMorgan Chase

To avoid regulatory issues and protect sensitive financial data, JPMorgan Chase has significantly restricted the internal use of ChatGPT. The bank is cautious about sharing such data with a third-party platform and has taken proactive steps to ensure compliance.

Deutsche Bank

Like many other banks, Deutsche Bank has blocked access to ChatGPT while assessing how to effectively utilize generative AI tools while maintaining data and client security. The bank’s spokesperson emphasizes that the firm primarily aims to prevent data leakage and does not reflect a negative opinion of the tool’s usefulness.


Recognizing the risk of losing control over customer information, source code, and more, Verizon has made ChatGPT inaccessible from its corporate systems. The company’s executives stress the importance of embracing emerging technology safely while prioritizing data security.

Northrop Grumman

The aerospace and defense company has temporarily restricted the use of ChatGPT until the tools are thoroughly evaluated. This cautious approach aligns with the company’s commitment to ensuring the reliability and security of its operations.


Following an incident where sensitive code was accidentally uploaded to the platform, Samsung has recently banned the use of ChatGPT and other AI tools. The company took immediate action to prevent potential data breaches and reinforce data security measures.


While there are conflicting reports, it is said that Amazon has banned the sharing of code or confidential information with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. However, a senior PR manager at Amazon stated that the company has not specifically banned the use of ChatGPT or other generative AI tools. Further clarification is needed to fully understand Amazon’s position on this matter.


The professional services company, Accenture, has imposed restrictions on the use of generative AI tools, including ChatGPT. Employees are not permitted to use such tools for coding without permission, ensuring compliance with the company’s core values, business ethics, and internal policies.

Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Goldman Sachs

These prominent banks have joined the ranks of companies that prohibit their employees from using AI chatbots, including ChatGPT. These restrictions are likely motivated by concerns regarding data security, safeguarding sensitive financial information, and complying with banking industry regulations.

Why are some companies banning ChatGPT?

There are various reasons why companies are implementing bans on ChatGPT, each stemming from different concerns:

Security and privacy concerns

Uploading work-related information to online AI platforms owned by other companies raises worries about potential security and privacy breaches. There’s a fear that anything shared with platforms like ChatGPT or Google’s Bard could be stored on their servers without our control, making it difficult to access or delete the information. This could unintentionally expose proprietary or sensitive company data to other users.

OpenAI’s security issues

OpenAI has had security problems with ChatGPT, such as a bug that allowed users to see titles from others’ chat histories. Although OpenAI is trying to address these issues, such incidents raise concerns about the overall security of the platform.

Lack of control over data

Companies are concerned about not having enough control over the data they share with ChatGPT. OpenAI can use anything we type into AI systems like ChatGPT to improve the system, which raises worries about accidentally exposing proprietary or sensitive company information.

Development of alternative AI platforms

Some companies have recognized the risks associated with ChatGPT and are creating or using their own AI platforms as safer alternatives. For example, Amazon is encouraging its developers to use its in-house AI platform called CodeWhisperer, and Apple is developing its own AI platform to compete with ChatGPT.

Industry-specific concerns

Different industries have specific concerns about ChatGPT. Law firms, for example, have issued warnings due to the risks to sensitive data, while hospitals have banned the use of ChatGPT for writing private medical notes because of concerns about patient confidentiality and security risks.

Perceived risks outweighing benefits

While some companies find value in ChatGPT for saving costs and generating content, many currently believe that the risks of using generative AI like ChatGPT in the workplace outweigh the benefits.


Is ChatGPT banned in NYC?

Yes, the education department of New York City has banned the use of ChatGPT. This decision was made due to concerns about potential negative effects on student learning and worries about the safety and accuracy of the content.

Is ChatGPT banned in Florida?

No, ChatGPT is not banned in Florida. However, the state’s education department has issued a warning about the possible misuse of ChatGPT by students. The department advises teachers to utilize plagiarism detection tools and closely monitor students’ work.

What should I do if ChatGPT is banned in my country?

If ChatGPT is banned in your country, you might consider using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or a proxy server to access it. These tools can mask your IP address and location. However, it’s important to note that using such methods may not be legal or ethical, and there can be consequences if you are caught using ChatGPT for inappropriate or fraudulent purposes.

What are some alternatives to ChatGPT?

If you are unable or prefer not to use ChatGPT, there are other AI chatbots and text generators available. Some alternatives include Google Bard, InferKit, Hugging Face, Bing Chat, and more. These tools can offer similar functionalities and assist you in generating text.

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